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More than half of Brits have experienced hot and tired discomfort in their feet and legs since the pandemic – yet most (75%) just ignore it and carry on.*
And not only were people stoic about pushing through the ‘can’t carry on barrier’, a third said they never take rest days when their joints and muscles are feeling off colour and, in those who do, almost four in ten say they feel guilty about it.
Physiotherapist, Sammy Margo, says: “We should never feel guilty for giving our legs and feet a break – as ignoring the problem will most likely make it worse. Using a fast acting, non-medicinal, cooling glide-on product is my go-to self-care solution and Deep Freeze Glide-On Gel ticks all the boxes here. I use it at the earliest sign of hot, tired legs and feet, followed by getting to the root cause of the problem. The solution could be more supportive footwear, rebalancing your stance if you tend to favour one leg when standing, or stretching your toes and arches if you have been doing a lot of walking or wearing high heels.”

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Learn more about Deep Freeze products

Glide-on Gel